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KNQA Strategic Plan 2023- 2027Download
The Harmonizer Issue 1Download
The Harmonizer Issue 2Download

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The Genesis of the KNQFDownload
Need for Qualifications FrameworkDownload
Introductory Guide to-National QualificationFrameworksDownload
The KNQF Level DescriptorsDownload
KNQF Quality AssuranceDownload
Implementation of NQF in non-formal EducationDownload
Policy Setting for the KNQF March, 2019Download
Comparative Education NQF_paper_revised.Download
KNQF LinkagesDownload
The Purpose of the KNQF ActDownload
East Africa Qualifications FrameworkDownload
East African Qualifications and Skill gapsDownload
East African Common Higher Education AreaDownload
A Mapping Study To Formulate The African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF) Kicks OffDownload
ACQF Synthesis MappingDownload
Kenya_ACQF Country Report 25th 11 2020Download
Kenya Launches its NQF UNESCODownload
Spread of NQF in AfricaDownload
Overview of NQF in EuropeDownload

Document TitleDownload Document
KNQF ActDownload
Universities Act 42 of 2012Download
TVET Act 29 of 2013Download
Sessional Paper No.1 of 2005Download

Document TitleDownload Document
A Policy Framework for Science Technology and InnovationDownload
Education System KenyaDownload
Quality PolicyDownload
Recognition of Prior Learning PolicyDownload
RPL National StandardsDownload
Guidelines for Assessment and Quality Assurance of Registered Qualifications in the KNQFDownload

Document TitleDownload Document
Guidelines for Implementation of RPL in KenyaDownload
RPL Guide for Qualification Awarding Institutions(QAIs)Download
RPL Candidates' GuideDownload
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy FrameworkDownload
RPL National StandardsDownload
RPL Kenya Practitioners' Code of ConductDownload
RPL Quality Assurance Manual - KenyaDownload
RPL Guide for Assessment CentresDownload
RPL Assessment Appeal GuideDownload
RPL Guide for Regulatory BodiesDownload
RPL ProcessDownload
RPL Application FormDownload
Guidelines for Assessment and Quality Assurance of Registered Qualifications in the KNQFDownload

Document TitleDownload Document
August, 2023 KNQA BriefsDownload
September, 2023 KNQA BriefsDownload
October, 2024 KNQA Brief3Download
November -December, 2023 KNQA BriefsDownload
March - April, 2024 KNQA BriefsDownload
May, 2024 KNQA BriefsDownload
RPL Magazine 2024Download

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Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body. Google’s founders were willing to sell & consult.
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Other Resources

Document TitleDownload Document
Tackling the challenge of-staffing young upcoming Public Universities in KenyaDownload
Gender and diversity among staff of Public Universities in KenyaDownload
Research on QualificationsDownload
Professional Bodies and Associations in KenyaDownload
Curriculum Development in KenyaDownload
Credible Training Institutions in KenyaDownload
KNQA enhancing inclusivity in education progressionDownload
Enhancing Global Mobility In Kenya Through The Kenya National QualificationsDownload
A deeper understanding of the KNQA and its MandateDownload

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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