About the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)
The Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)was established in 2015 under the legal framework of the Kenya National Qualifications Framework (KNQF) Act Chapter 214. This marked a significant step in Kenya’s education reforms, aiming to streamline and standardize the diverse landscape of qualifications across all sectors. The functions of the KNQA as provided in the Act are:
- To coordinate and supervise the development of policies on national qualifications;
- To develop a framework for the development of an accreditation system on qualifications;
- To develop a system for the assessment of national qualifications;
- To establish and review inter-relationships and linkages across national qualifications in consultation with stakeholders, relevant institutions, and agencies;
- To maintain a national database of national qualifications;
- To publish manuals, codes, and guidelines on national qualifications;
- To advise and support any person, body, or institution that is responsible for the award of national qualifications;
- To publish an annual report on the status of national qualifications;
- To Set standards and benchmarks for qualifications and competencies, including skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values;
- To define the levels of qualifications and competencies;
- To provide for the recognition of attainment or competencies, including skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values;
- To facilitate linkages, credit transfers, and exemptions, and vertical and horizontal mobility at all levels to enable entry, re-entry, and exit;
- To research equalization of qualifications;
- To establish standards for harmonization and recognition of national and foreign qualifications;

Our Mission, Vision and Core Values
Discover our mission to shape the future of Qualifications, our vision for a future of excellence and innovation, and the core values that underpin our work. Click on the tabs to view our Mission, Vision and Core Values.
Globally Recognized and Competitive Qualifications Transforming Kenya.
To establish and manage the KNQF aimed at promoting globally recognized and competitive qualifications for sustainable development.
- Equity: We always strive to be fair and impartial in our operations.
- Professionalism: Our staff upholds professionalism and respects the code of conduct.
- Quality: We strive to provide services that conform to international standards.
- Integrity: We uphold honesty and adherence to solid ethical principles.
- Accountability: We accept responsibility for our actions.
- Teamwork: We uphold working together to benefit from synergy, cohesion, and prudent use of resources.
- Relevance: We coordinate and harmonize the training, assessment, and register qualifications relevant to the industry.
- Responsiveness: We adapt to the changing educational and economic landscape by remaining agile and responsive to the evolving needs of learners and the labour market.
- Diversity & Inclusion: We create an environment where individuals from various backgrounds, perspectives, and identities feel valued, respected, and supported.
- Collaboration: We foster strong relationships, open communication, and active engagement with all stakeholders involved in the organization's activities and decision-making processes.

Get informed on our directorates and their crucial roles
The Directorate is anchored in Section 8 of the KNQF act no. 22 of 2014. It seeks to effectively harness the efforts of corporate services. The Directorate provides accountability in the functional areas of Audit, Finance and Procurement; ICT and Human Resource & Administration to enable the Authority to effectively perform its mandate of advising government in matters of the Kenya National Qualifications Framework (KNQF). The Directorate is headed by a Director and comprises the following Five Departments each headed by a Deputy Director –
- Finance Department;
- Human Resource and Administration Department;
- Information Communication & Technology (ICT) Department
- Supply Chain & Management Department; and
- Internal Audit Department
The Directorate of Technical services (TS) is anchored under section 8 of the KNQF act no. 22 of 2014. The Directorate is responsible for registration of qualifications and accreditation of institutions and learners into the KNQF; as well as establishing and maintaining the Kenya National Learners record Database (KLNRD). It also creates Policies, Standards and Guidelines to support the accreditation function; assessment, comparability, alignment and validation of qualifications; as well as developing and implementing the Kenya National Credit accumulation and Transfer system (KCATs); and Kenya National Qualifications. Classification Standard (KNQCS)
The Directorate is headed by a Director, Technical Services (TS) and comprises the following Departments each headed by a Deputy Director –
- Registration, Accreditation and Documentation (RAD);
- Policy, Research, Outreach and Policy (PROP);
- Qualifications Alignment and Validation (QAV);
- Standards, Assessment and Quality Assurance (SAQA); and
- Kenya National Learner’s Record Database Section (KNLRD).
Our Key Achievements
The following are the key achievement of the Authority in five thematic areas:
Planning, Research, Outreach, Strategy, and Policy (PROSP)
The authority successfully implemented two performance contract cycles, achieving commendable scores consecutively. It has also developed partnerships with various institutions including the International Labour Organisation, African Continental Qualifications Framework, IGAD member countries for development of IGADQF, and International Rescue Committee, Mastercard Foundation through Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), and Malaysia Qualifications Authority enhancing Stakeholder collaborations.Registration, Accreditation, and Documentation (RAD)
The Authority has registered 31 Qualifications Awarding Institutions in the KNQF out of 122 mapped institutions. To ensure effective implementation of KNQF, the authority conducted Capacity Building to 84 Education and Training Institutions. Additionally, a total of 100,532 learners were registered in the National Learners Records Database.Institutional Capacity Development (ICD)
KNQA has significantly advanced Institutional Capacity Development (ICD) by implementing comprehensive strategies such as staff recruitment and training to equip employees with essential skills and knowledge for effective service delivery.Standards, Assessment, and Quality Assurance(SAQA)
The Authority developed the Kenya Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (KCATS).The KCATS is designed to be used by TVET colleges and universities in Kenya to monitor, record and reward passage through modular certificate, Diploma and degree courses and to facilitate movement between levels and courses and institutions.Alignment and Validation (QAV)
The Authority developed guidelines on aLIGNMENT and Validation of Qualifications . The guidelines were used to conduct alignment and validation of Qualifications in the KNQF. A total of 11,454 Qualifications both from local and foreign institutions were validated and aligned to KNQF during the plan period.
KNQA Council and Management
The Board and Management of the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) brings together a diverse team of experts committed to advancing education and training standards across Kenya.
Hon. Stanley Kiptis, EBS
Ms. Jacqueline Mugo, EBS
Dr. Kipkirui Langat
Prof. Mike Kuria
Ms. Evelyne Owoko
Mr. Joseph Njau
CHRP. Beatrice Cherotich Bii
Mr. Isaiah Ochelle
Mr. Collins Oyuu
Ms. Theresa Wasike
Dr. Alice Kande, PhD
Mr. Stanley Maindi
Dr. Winnie Bulimo
Vincent Koech
James Tegeret
Anne Rita Mwaniki
Ivey Koin
CPA Michael Njogu
Click here to view more KNQA Council Members and Management Team
This section provides a clear overview of our organizational hierarchy, showcasing the key roles and departments that drive our mission. The institutional and organizational framework for the Authority is as below;