
KNQA CEO, Dr. Alice Kande, has been ranked among the Top 25 CEOs in Kenya

KNQA has been featured in the January 2025 edition of Business Monthly magazine. Our CEO, Dr. Alice Kande, has been ranked among the Top 25…

CS Julius Migos and PS Belio Kipsang Review Progress on PWPER Recommendations for Basic Education

CS Education Mr. Julius Migos and PS Basic Education, Dr. Belio Kipsang engage stakeholders in a meeting to review progress on implementing PWPER recommendations for…

60,000 skilled workers certified through RPL

60,000 skilled workers certified through Recognition of Prior Learning, says DP

KNQA CEO Dr. Alice Kande Joins Consultative Meeting on National Labour Mobility and RPL Framework

On the morning of 10th December 2024, the KNQA CEO, Dr. Alice Kande, represented the Authority in a consultative meeting with the office of the…

KNQA Council Chair Hon. Stanley Kiptis Leads Team to Refine Accreditation System Guidelines

KNQA Council Chairperson Hon. Stanley Kiptis poses for a group photo alongside a section of KNQA staff and representatives of regulatory bodies in education and…

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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