
Standards and Guidelines for the National Policy Framework for Accreditation System on Qualifications.

State Department for TVET, Dr. Esther Muoria (seated center), in a group photo after leading a team of stakeholders from all education sub-sectors. The meeting,…

Dr. Wekesa represented KNQA CEO Dr. Alice Kande during the 10th graduation ceremony for the Kenya Redcross Training Institute.

He commended the institute for setting precedence in their commitment in training professionals in Emergency Medical Care. He further presented KRTCI RPL practitioners to the…

KNQA CEO Dr. Alice Kande issues a certificate to a graduate in Loropio Turkana

The Authority participated in a colourful event that saw over 70 youths graduate having been assessed through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The vibrant youths…

African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF) delegates arrive at the Kabete National Polytechnic.

African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF) delegates arrive at the Kabete National Polytechnic. The team is set to explore the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) from…

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