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Kenya Joins Global Forum on Digitalizing TVET Systems in Turin, Italy

Participants from diverse institutions in the TVET landscape including KNQA, KS TVET, TVET CDACC, NITA, and representatives from Garissa and Turkana Counties in Kenya, joined counterparts from Sri Lanka, Senegal, and Egypt. This international forum on the Digitalization of TVET Systems, held in Turin, Italy, from 4–8 November 2024, provided…
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KNQA CEO Meets ILO Team to Strengthen Skills Development Collaboration

KNQA CEO Dr. Alice Kande with Okal Albert William, a Skills and Lifelong Learning Specialist, and Ochola Geofrey, the National Programme Coordinator from the International Labour Organization (ILO) who paid her a courtesy call at KNQA offices. The discussions focused on support for skills development interventions, collaboration, and workforce development…
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KNQA and UNESCO Discuss Roadmap for Integrating UQP

KNQA Director General Dr. Alice Kande (seated centre) in a group photo after leading a team from KNQA and UNESCO in meeting to discuss mainstreaming of the UNESCO Qualifications Passport (UQP) in Kenya. The discussion centered on a comprehensive roadmap for integrating UQP into the country’s education and training system,…
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