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KNQA Hosts Liberia, EU, and UNIDO Delegation for TVET Benchmarking Visit

Today, the Authority led by the Council Chairperson Hon. Stanley Kiptis, hosted a delegation from the Government of Liberia/EU/UNIDO who are in the country for a benchmarking visit. The engagement focused on understanding the TVET pathway as articulated in the Kenya National Qualifications Framework, fostering mutual learning and collaboration in…
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SCAC Presents New HR Instruments to KNQA, Aligned with PSC Guidelines

The State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) presented the Authority with newly approved Human Resource Instruments. During the meeting, KNQA Council Chairperson Hon. Stanley Kiptis and the Council's Human Resource and Administration Committee Chairperson Hon. Collins Oyuu commended the SCAC team, led by CEO Simon Indimuli, for their dedication and professionalism.…
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Dr. Alice Kande Discusses UNESCO Qualifications Passport at Naivasha Forum

KNQA CEO, Dr. Alice Kande, addresses delegates at the UNESCO Qualifications Passport (UQP) Forum in Naivasha on 27th November 2024. The event marked the second Multi-Country Technical Advisory Group meeting. challenges and advance collective goals in implementing the UNESCO Qualifications Passport (UQP). Dr. Kande reaffirmed KNQA’s dedication to embracing, adopting,…
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