Registration Of Qualifications

Registration of Qualifications

Registration of Qualifications refers to the formal process by which institutions offering education and training are formally recognized having met the standards outlined in the Kenya National Qualifications Framework (KNQF) Act and other relevant laws of Kenya.Â

In the education and training sector, the KNQA holds the mandate to accredit all education and training institutions with the legal authority to award qualifications in Kenya. An institution with such legal authority is referred to as a Qualification Awarding Institution (QAI). QAIs encompass universities, national polytechnics, national assessment and examination bodies (NABEs), specialized education institutions (SEIs), professional examination bodies, and foreign qualifications awarding institutions operating within the country.Â

Qualifications, such as certificates, diplomas, degrees, and other credentials, are awarded by recognized Qualifications Awarding Institutions. These qualifications reflect defined learning outcomes, competencies, and standards that are consistent with the levels established by the Kenya National Qualifications Framework (KNQF).The registration process involves evaluating the qualifications to determine their appropriate level, credit value, and alignment with the KNQF level descriptors.Â

Through the registration process, KNQA ensures that these QAIs adhere to the established standards and requirements, thereby maintaining the integrity and quality of the national qualifications system.Â

Accreditation of Qualifications involves:

Registration of QAIs Registration of Qualifications Registration of Learners

During the Registration stage the awarding body wishing to register their qualifications shall apply for recognition as a QAI. The QAI's Legal mandate, Governance structure and Quality enhancement mechanisms are highly considered.

Registration encompasses the following:Â

    • Registration of Qualification Awarding Institutions (QAIs):ÂThis refers to a local QAI with the legal mandate and where necessary regulated by the relevant regulatory body to award national qualifications in Kenya.
    • Registration of Foreign Qualification Awarding Institutions (QAIs):This refers to a foreign QAI awarding qualifications in Kenya. The foreign QAI shall be authorized and have the legal mandate to offer qualifications in its country of origin and have a certificate of incorporation in Kenya or work in collaboration with a local education institution to award qualifications.
    • Registration of a Professional Body (PF):ÂIt refers to a body which regulates an industry or profession, and which wishes to be involved in the education and/or training and awarding of qualifications. Such professional body shall apply for registration by the Authority.
    • Registration of a National Assessment and Examination Body (NABE):It encompasses local bodies responsible for assessing, examining and awarding qualifications in Kenya.

A qualification is recognised if it meets the standards of the criteria and thereafter recognised at an appropriate level of the Kenya National Qualifications Framework. Qualifications that fail to meet the standards are not recognised.
Applications for approval and registration of qualification (s) must satisfy the conditions set in section 6 (2) of KNQF Act and Regulations 2018.

Registration of Qualifications encompasses the following:Â

  • Registration of National Qualifications into the KNQF:It means listing national qualifications including part-qualifications and short courses awarded
    by local Qualification Awarding Institutions in Kenya onto the KNQF.
  • Registration of Foreign Qualifications into the KNQF:It entails listing foreign qualifications including part qualifications and short courses onto the KNQF.
  • Registration of professional Qualifications in the KNQF:ÂIt refers to listing professional courses that relate to a specific industry or career path onto the KNQF.
  • Certificate of Qualification Equivalence (CoQE) *Local Qualification:It refers to equating foreign qualifications offered by foreign QAIs with the local qualifications
    using the Kenya National Qualifications framework.
  • Certificate of Qualification Equivalence (CoQE) *Foreign QualificationIt means equating foreign qualifications awarded by local QAIs in Kenya with the local
    qualifications using the Kenya National Qualifications Framework.

The KNQA is responsible for registering all learners on the Kenya National Learners Records Database (KNLRD) in accordance with the KNQF Act. QAIs are required to upload learner records onto this database. Accreditation of QAIs registration of qualifications, and registration of learners are seamlessly conducted through the online platform known as the National Qualification Management Information System (NAQMIS).Â

This integrated system ensures efficient processing and management of accreditation and registration procedures. All data submitted through NAQMIS is automatically fed into the KNLRD, establishing a comprehensive repository of qualification-related information. This streamlined process enhances transparency, accessibility, and accuracy, facilitating effective oversight and administration of qualifications
within the KNQF.Â

Registered Institutions
  • NACOSTI Building,4th Floor, Off Waiyaki Way, Upper Kabete,
  • Phone: +254-020-2100272

Click to download documents on Accreditation of Qualifications in Kenya.

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