CS Education & DG KNQA at the ACQF III Forum Promoting employability, mobility, decent work, entrepreneurship,
and lifelong learning in Kenya.
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Kenya represented at the IGAD Regional Learning Exchange Promoting employability, mobility, decent work, entrepreneurship,
and lifelong learning in Kenya.
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Inaugural meeting with CS Education, Mr. Julius M. Ogamba Promoting employability, mobility, decent work, entrepreneurship,
and lifelong learning in Kenya.
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KNQA Launches new
Strategic Plan 2023-2027
Shaping the Future of Qualifications in Kenya View services
TVET @100 Centenary Celebrations Promoting employability, mobility, decent work, entrepreneurship,
and lifelong learning in Kenya.
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RPL Graduand awarded at the
RPL Launch
Promoting employability, mobility, decent work, entrepreneurship,
and lifelong learning in Kenya.
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Deputy President at the RPL
Launch ceremony
Promoting employability, mobility, decent work, entrepreneurship,
and lifelong learning in Kenya.
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Dr Alice Kande appointed
KNQA Director General
Promoting employability, mobility, decent work, entrepreneurship,
and lifelong learning in Kenya.
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Welcome to the Kenya National Qualifications Authority

The Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) was set up in 2015 to help coordinate and harmonize education, training, assessment and quality assurance of all qualifications awarded in the country; with the view to improving quality and international comparability. 

The KNQF which the authority has developed and is now implementing is part of Kenya’s international commitments to develop an accurate, reliable and robust database of all qualifications in the country that will allow for comparability and information sharing in the education sector globally.

Navigate Through Our Powerful Portals and Transform Your Digital Experience

Discover our advanced portals designed to streamline our operations and elevate your experience. Our carefully curated solutions offer seamless integration, sophisticated tools, and robust features tailored to meet your business needs. 

Kenya National Qualification Alignment & Validation Portal

Click for online application for qualification Alignment & Validation

National Qualification Management Information System

Click to apply for Accreditation of QAIs & Registration of Qualifications/ Learners.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) MIS

Click for online application for Recognition of Prior Learning

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)