Certificate of Qualifications Equivalence (CoQE)
A certificate of Qualifications Equivalence is awarded to an institution/assessment or examination body that seeks to introduce and award a foreign Qualification in Kenya. Foreign institutions that intend to train and award foreign qualifications in Kenya need to apply for and receive a Certificate of Qualifications Equivalence (CoQE) for each of the qualifications; as set out in the KNQF act no 22 of 2014 and KNQF regulations 2018- before training and awarding of the Qualification. Local institutions that have qualifications whose location within the Kenya Qualifications Framework is not clear, can also apply to have this clarified and issued with a CoQE.Â
The Kenya National qualifications Authority (KNQA) undertakes to asses and issue a certificate of Qualifications Equivalence for each application within two weeks from the time of application and register the said qualification within the KNQF.
- Registered Institutions & Qualifications
- Registration Of Qualifications
- Recognition of Prior Learning
- Alignment & Validation of Qualifications
- Certificate of Qualifications Equivalence (CoQE)
- Kenya National Qualifications Coding Standards (KNQSC)
- Kenya Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (KCATS)
- NACOSTI Building,4th Floor, Off Waiyaki Way, Upper Kabete,
- Phone: +254-020-2100272
- info@knqa.go.ke
Click to download documents on Credit Accumulation Transfer System in Kenya.